I must say I am having a great time meeting all of the Boutique owners in and around Chester County. You all are great (at least most of you, like 50%). Haha, just kidding, everyone I have met with and talked to so far has been FABULOUS!! I love to shop so I am enjoying being in and out of these Boutiques that I have never been in before. I highly recommend it! They are all so different, with their merchandise, backgrounds, price points, views, experience...I could go on and on.
It's also interesting learning the dynamics of different towns. I must say that is not something I miss. Who is selling what, for how much, who is staying open late, opening early, having what event. Now it's spilling into Social Media. Who likes who, comments on, shares, on what Facebook pages or twitter accounts. If all Boutiques make it a goal to share, comment or tweet on their neighbors pages a couple times a week it would be good for everyone. Let's do it!! What do you think?
The Buzzz
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